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Compañía Vitivinícola Tandem
After extensive careers in winemaking and marketing, first together and later separately in different wineries, there was a growing interest in starting up Tandem. Tandem means “at last” and represents the aspiration of its two partners and promoters, to fulfil a dream and the mission which they have taken upon themselves.
sincerity and effort
our misiOn
Our pledge is to follow the path that we have set out upon, a different path from the rest, which is committed to respect for nature, meticulous care in everything we do and working with the least intervention possible. All this with the aim of making wines that are elegant and have personality, and which express the character of the land that gives rise to them and also attain our customers’ complete satisfaction.
CTO / Co-Founder
Pamplona 1966, an economist from the University of Deusto in San Sebastián, MBA from the Instituto de Empresa (IE Business School). He began his professional career in 1992, always linked to wineries in the Navarra DO.
Biologist/ Co-Founder
Oviedo 1961, a biologist from Oviedo University with a Master’s in Oenology at the Barcelona School of Agronomists. Her first grape harvest occurred in Bierzo in 1989. Since 1991 her professional career has been linked to the Navarra DO where she has been gaining international recognition.
Vine grower
Lorca 1971, Lorca 1971, vine grower, farmer, maintenance engineer, multi-tasker.
We call it the ‘Tandem paradox’ because we produce wines considered modern using up to date technology which replicates how wines used to be made centuries ago:
- The wines are moved by gravity in the winery.
- We do not use a mechanical system for pumping over during fermentation.
- We keep the red wines in underground concrete vats for a minimum of two years in order to clarify them naturally.
- We do not use cold stabilisation.
- Minimal filtration
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